Rails and Flux with Marty.js IV: Implementing Flux

Jun 19, 2015 · 6 min read

In the last post of this series we took a look to the MainApplication and how it registers the necessary elements that we are going to need. We also viewed how to create an ApplicationContainer which receives the main application as a prop and wraps the main React component which will have access to all the elements registered previously. Now we are ready to start implementing Flux, so let's do it!

The PeopleSection

If you first take a look to the source code you can see that there are two main elements, the React component it self and a Marty's Container which wraps it. By doing this we are making the PeopleSection stateless, leaving the state requests to the Container which will pass it to the PeopleSection as props.

The React component

This is the main React component and parent of the rest of the components involved in the application.

# /app/frontend/flux/components/people/people_section.cjsx

# Requiring components involved
PeopleSearch = require './people_search'
PersonCard = require './person_card'
PaginatorSection = require '../paginator/paginator_section'
ResetButton = require '../buttons/reset_button'

PeopleSection = React.createClass
  displayName: 'PeopleSection'

  # When a page number is clicked let's find the next results page
  _handlePageNumberClicked: (pageNumber)->
    @app.people.queries.findPeople pageNumber, @props.searchText

  _renderPeople: ->
    # Render message when no results found
    if @props.people.length is 0 then return @_renderNoResultsFound()
    # Create a person card for each person found
    @props.people.map (person) ->
      <PersonCard key={person.id} {...person}/>

  _renderNoResultsFound: ->
    <div className="warning">
      <span className="fa-stack">
        <i className="fa fa-meh-o fa-stack-2x"></i>
      <h4>No people found...</h4>
      <ResetButton text="Reset filter" styleClass="btn" />

  render: ->
      <PeopleSearch totalCount={@props.meta.total_count} value={@props.searchText}/>
      <PaginatorSection totalPages={@props.meta.total_pages} currentPage={@props.meta.current_page} pageNumberClicked={@_handlePageNumberClicked}/>
      <div className="cards-wrapper">
      <PaginatorSection totalPages={@props.meta.total_pages} currentPage={@props.meta.current_page} pageNumberClicked={@_handlePageNumberClicked}/>


This results to be a very simple component except for the fact that for being the main parent component it has no state at all. So how does it gets the data to display? Here's where the Container comes into play.

The Container

In the Flux architecture the state lives in stores. Marty's containers listen to stores and get the necessary state from them passing it to their wrapped components as props.


module.exports = Marty.createContainer PeopleSection,
  # Listen to the store registered previously in the application
  listenTo: 'people.store'

  # Props that are going to be passed to the component
    people: ->
    meta: ->
    searchText: ->

  # What to render when fetches are still pending
  pending: ->
    <div className="warning">
      <span className="fa-stack">
        <i className="fa fa-search fa-stack-2x"></i>

  # What to render if there's any error during fetches
  failed: (errors) ->
    <div className="warning">
      <span className="fa-stack">
        <i className="fa fa-exclamation-triangle fa-stack-2x"></i>

The most important parts of the container are the listenTo property which specifies the store (or list of stores) from where the container is going to get the state, and the fetch object which are functions commonly used to fetch the state from the store and pass it to the component as props by their key. This means that when the component calls @props.meta.total_count the meta prop has been passed to it by the container by previously getting it from the store wit it's meta fetch method.

The PeopleStore

Here's where the state lives and changes:

# /app/frontend/flux/stores/people_store.coffee

PeopleConstants = require '../constants/people_constants'

module.exports = Marty.createStore
  id: 'PeopleStore'

  getInitialState: ->
    searchText: ''
      total_pages: 0
      current_page: 0
  # Handle dispatcher's actions
    receivePeople: PeopleConstants.RECEIVE_PEOPLE
    updateSearchText: PeopleConstants.SET_SEARCH_TEXT
    resetSearch: PeopleConstants.RESET_SEARCH
  # Initial people fetch
  fetchPeople: () ->
      id: 'all-people'
      locally: () =>
      remotely: () =>
  receivePeople: (response) ->
      people: response.people
      meta: response.meta

  updateSearchText: (text) ->
      searchText: text

  resetSearch: ->
      searchText: ''

To handle state changes it listens to the Flux dispatcher. When it receives an action corresponding to any of the values specified in the handlers property it calls the corresponding method to update the state making the PeopleSection's container re-render itself.

Fetching state

When the component renders for the first time we need to get all the people from the Rails back-end. The store provides a fetch method that we're using inside fetchPeople and which behaves as follows:

  1. First it looks in the current state if people is set to return it using locally.
  2. If locally returns undefined then it calls remotely where it will request the data from the Rails back-end and set it in the state.
  3. As now people is set in the state, additional calls to fetchPeople will return them using localy again instead of from the Rails back-end.


As you can see the store's handlers use PeopleConstants values to identify which actions from the dispatcher wants to handle. If we take a look to it's source code we can find all the available action types:

# /app/frontend/flux/constants/people_constants.coffee

module.exports = Marty.createConstants [

The PeopleQueries

Marty's queries are in charge of getting the sate from outside the application.

# /app/frontend/flux/queries/people_queries.coffee

PeopleConstants = require '../constants/people_constants'

module.exports = Marty.createQueries
  id: 'PeopleQueries'

  findPeople: (pageNumber, searchText)->
    # Call the state source and handle response
    @app.people.sources.findPeople(pageNumber, searchText)
    .then (res) =>
      # Create action and pass result
      @dispatch PeopleConstants.RECEIVE_PEOPLE, res
    .catch (err) ->
      console.log err

The findPeople method calls the sate source which will request the data from the Rails back-end. When the data is received it creates an action identified by PeopleConstants.RECEIVE_PEOPLE and passes the result with all the people found. This is how we set the people array in the state of the PeopleStore using it's receivePeople handler previously seen.

The PeopleAPI

The last thing left is how to we get the data we need from the Rails back-end. To do so we are going to use a Marty's http StateSource.

# /app/frontend/flux/sources/people_api.coffee

module.exports = Marty.createStateSource
  id: 'PeopleAPI'
  # Type of StateSource
  type: 'http'

  findPeople: (pageNumber, searchText) ->
    url = Routes.api_v1_people_path
      page: pageNumber
      search: searchText

    @get(url).then (res) ->
      if res.ok then return res.json()

      throw new Error('Error while finding people', res)

This helps us to encapsulate all the complexity of connecting to the back-end by just calling it's get method and returning the resulting json if everything went as expected.


Taking a look again to the Flux flow diagram we can see that thanks to Marty.js we have easily covered all the elements in it:


The Web API Utils is the PeopleAPI state source used to access the back-end, Action Creators is the PeopleQueries which creates Actions identified by the PeopleConstants, the Store is the PeopleStore that handles the Callbacks which change the State causing the React Views which is the Container wrapping the People Section to re-render.

We are just missing User Interactions but we're going to leave this part for the next and final post of this series. In the meanwhile don't forget to take a look to Marty's documentation and to the example application:

Happy coding!