Building Phoenix Battleship (pt. 3)

Joining a game and creating player boards
May 21, 2016 · 10 min read

The game setup

In the previous part of the series, we described both the LobbyChannel and the Battleship.Game.Supervisor modules and their responsibilities within the application. These responsibilities include creating new Battleship.Game processes, supervising them and making their current state available for any visitor. After having this clear, now we can move on to the following elements of the diagram:

Recalling the last post, the player joins the LobbyChannel when visiting the game's lobby page. When he clicks the Start new battle button, a new message is pushed through the socket to the channel and a new Battleship.Game supervised process is created by the Battleship.Game.Supervisor, returning the game's id. Finally, the player gets redirected to the battle screen, where the setup phase starts.

Joining a game

To add this new channel to the project, we need to update the player_socket.exs file again in to add the channel's module and its topic:

# web/channels/player_socket.ex

defmodule Battleship.PlayerSocket do
  @moduledoc """
  Player socket
  use Phoenix.Socket

  alias Battleship.Player

  ## Channels
  channel "lobby", Battleship.LobbyChannel
  channel "game:*", Battleship.GameChannel

  # ...
  # ...

Now we have the Battleship.GameChannel listening to topics following the game:* pattern. Let's add the module and write the join function:

# web/channels/game_channel.ex

defmodule Battleship.GameChannel do
  use Phoenix.Channel
  alias Battleship.Game

  def join("game:" <> game_id, _message, socket) do
    player_id = socket.assigns.player_id

    case Game.join(game_id, player_id, socket.channel_pid) do
      {:ok, _pid} ->
        {:ok, assign(socket, :game_id, game_id)}
      {:error, reason} ->
        {:error, %{reason: reason}}

  # ...

When the player tries to join the channel, we use the game_id from the topic, his player_id and the channel's pid to try joining the previously created game. If joining the game returns a tuple containing {:ok, _pid} the join is successful, and the game_id gets assigned to the socket. Otherwise, an error is returned through the socket to the player's browser. Let's take a look to the Battleship.Game module and its core functionality:

# lib/battleship/game.ex

defmodule Battleship.Game do
  use GenServer

  defstruct [
    id: nil,
    attacker: nil,
    defender: nil,
    turns: [],
    over: false,
    winner: nil


  def start_link(id) do
    GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, id, name: ref(id))

  # ...


  def init(id) do
    {:ok, %__MODULE__{id: id}}

  # ...

  defp ref(id), do: {:global, {:game, id}}

  defp try_call(id, message) do
    case GenServer.whereis(ref(id)) do
      nil ->
        {:error, "Game does not exist"}
      pid ->, message)

When the Battleship.Game.Supervisor creates a new Battleship.Game process, the init function is called after start_link, setting the defined struct as the initial state of the process. This state contains the id of the game (previously generated from the LobbyChannel), the attacker's id, the defender's id, a list of the shooting turns results, a flag to set whether the game is over or not and the winner's id. Let's add the join function called in the GameChannel:

# lib/battleship/game.ex

defmodule Battleship.Game do
  use GenServer
  alias Battleship.Game.Board



  def join(id, player_id, pid), do: try_call(id, {:join, player_id, pid})

  # ...


  def handle_call({:join, player_id, pid}, _from, game) do
    cond do
      game.attacker != nil and game.defender != nil ->
        {:reply, {:error, "No more players allowed"}, game}
      Enum.member?([game.attacker, game.defender], player_id) ->
        {:reply, {:ok, self}, game}
      true ->
        Process.flag(:trap_exit, true)

        {:ok, board_pid} = create_board(player_id)

        game = add_player(game, player_id)

        {:reply, {:ok, self}, game}

  defp create_board(player_id), do: Board.create(player_id)

  defp add_player(%__MODULE__{attacker: nil} = game, player_id), do: %{game | attacker: player_id}
  defp add_player(%__MODULE__{defender: nil} = game, player_id), do: %{game | defender: player_id}

A lot going on in the join process, so let's go step by step. When the join client function is called from the Battleship.GameChannel, this tries to send a :join call message to the game process identified by {:global, {:game, id} passing the player_id and the channel pid. If the game process exists, it handles the {:join, player_id, pid} message which checks the following conditions:

  1. If both the attacker and the defender id's are set, it replies an error with the reason "No more players allowed". This way we ensure that only two players can join a single game.
  2. If the player_id equals the attacker or the defender, it returns the current state, meaning that the player already joined previously.
  3. If none of the above, it first sets the process trap_exit to true and monitors the player's game channel pid. By doing this, the game process can capture exit and termination messages from other processes, in this case, the player's game channel process (we are going to talk about this in the next part). It continues creating a new Battleship.Game.Board process for the joined player and monitors it as well. Finally, it adds the player_id to its state struct (depending on which player is already set) and returns a {:ok, self} tuple.

Creating a player's board

As we have seen, when a player joins a game successfully, a new game board is built for this particular player. This is its very basic implementation:

# lib/battleship/game/board.ex

defmodule Battleship.Game.Board do
  defstruct [
    player_id: nil,
    ships: [],
    grid: %{},
    ready: false,
    hit_points: 0

Its struct consists of the owner's player_id, a list of the placed ships, the board grid where it is going store the ships positions and the opponent's shooting results, a flag to mark whether the board is ready to begin the battle or not and the remaining hit_points. We need to store two of these structs (one for each player) as part of the game's state, but where shall we store it? As we already have the game's generic server process state, it looks like the ideal place to store them, but instead of doing so we are going to store them in two separate processes using Elixir's Agent abstraction around state. In other words, we are going to create two simple server processes to store both boards state, using the Agent API to access and update them. Let's start by defining the create/1 function called from the board:

# lib/battleship/game/board.ex

defmodule Battleship.Game.Board do
  alias Battleship.{Ship}

  @ships_sizes [5, 4, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1]

  defstruct [
    player_id: nil,
    ships: [],
    grid: %{},
    ready: false,
    hit_points: 0

  def create(player_id) do
    grid = build_grid
    ships =, &(%Ship{size: &1}))

    Agent.start(fn -> %__MODULE__{player_id: player_id, grid: grid, ships: ships} end, name: ref(player_id))

  def get_data(player_id) do
    Agent.get(ref(player_id), &(&1))

  defp ref(player_id), do: {:global, {:board, player_id}}

The create/1 function receives a player id. It builds the grid, creates the ships list and starts a new Agent process setting as its initial state a Board struct with the player_id, the generated grid, and the ships list. As we want to access to this process's state by its player_id like in the get_data/1 function, for instance, we also set the name parameter globally with a {:global, {:board, player_id}} value. Have you noticed the similarities with GenServer so far? Let's implement the build_grid function:

# lib/battleship/game/board.ex

defmodule Battleship.Game.Board do
  # ...
  @size 10
  @orientations [:horizontal, :vertical]
  @grid_value_water "·"
  @grid_value_ship "/"
  @grid_value_water_hit "O"
  @grid_value_ship_hit "*"

  # ...

  defp build_grid do
    0..@size - 1
    |> Enum.reduce([], &build_rows/2)
    |> List.flatten
    |> Enum.reduce(%{}, fn item, acc -> Map.put(acc, item, @grid_value_water) end)

  defp build_rows(y, rows) do
    row = 0..@size - 1
      |> Enum.reduce(rows, fn x, col -> [Enum.join([y, x], "") | col] end)

    [row | rows]

My first approach was to build a multidimensional list to represent the grid, but due to Elixir's immutability, updating such list was very tricky, so I finally opted for using a Map. Using the @size value as the maximum value of rows and columns for the grid it generates a map that looks like this:

  "00" => "·", # A1
  "01" => "·", # B1
  "02" => "·", # C1
  "03" => "·", # D1
  "04" => "·", # E1
  # ..
  "99" => "·"  # J10

The keys represent a cell of the grid, and the values the content of the grid, which can be:

  • @grid_value_water is the default value, which means water.
  • @grid_value_ship represents a portion of a ship.
  • @grid_value_water_hit represents that the opponent shot this cell hitting water.
  • @grid_value_ship_hit same as the previous one but hitting one of the board's ships.

One of the direct benefits of using a map like this, instead of a multidimensional list, is that updating it is as simple as doing the following:

grid = %{grid | "01" => @grid_value_water_hit}

# or...

grid = Map.put(grid, "01", @grid_value_water_hit)

# or even...

grid = put_in(grid, ["01"], @grid_value_water_hit)

Easy as pie and pretty straightforward, isn't it?

Returning the game state

Now that the player has joined the new game, his board has been created, and the browser has received the success message, it has to notify the other player by pushing a game:joined message through the GameChannel. Let's implement this handle:

# web/channels/game_channel.ex

defmodule Battleship.GameChannel do
  use Phoenix.Channel
  # ...

  def handle_in("game:joined", _message, socket) do
    player_id = socket.assigns.player_id
    board = Board.get_opponents_data(player_id)

    broadcast! socket, "game:player_joined", %{player_id: player_id, board: board}
    {:noreply, socket}

  # ...

Taking the assigned player_id it calls Board.get_opponents_data(player_id) to get the opponents board and broadcast it through the socket. By doing this, it stores the opponent's board in the Redux store, in case the opponent joined before him. But why is it using Board.get_opponents_data/1 instead of Board.get_data/1?

# lib/battleship/game/board.ex

defmodule Battleship.Game.Board do
  # ...

  def get_opponents_data(player_id) do
    board = Agent.get(ref(player_id), &(&1))

    new_grid = board
    |> Map.get(:grid)
    |> Enum.reduce(%{}, fn({coords, value}, acc) -> Map.put(acc, coords, opponent_grid_value(value)) end)

    %{board | ships: nil, grid: new_grid}

  defp opponent_grid_value(@grid_value_ship), do: @grid_value_water
  defp opponent_grid_value(value), do: value

  # ...


As it sends the opponent's board to both players, we need to create a public version of it. We do not want cheaters to check the JavaScript console and know where his opponent has placed the ships. What this function basically does is getting the opponent's board state, update all the cells that have a grid_value_ship value with a grid_value_water value and remove the ship list.

Any time a player needs to get the game state it pushes a game:get_data to the GameChannel so let's implement it:

# lib/battleship/game.ex

defmodule Battleship.Game do
  use GenServer

  # ...

  def handle_call(:get_data, _from, game), do: {:reply, game, game}
  def handle_call({:get_data, player_id}, _from, game) do
    game_data = Map.put(game, :my_board, Board.get_data(player_id))

    opponent_id = get_opponents_id(game, player_id)

    if opponent_id != nil do
      game_data = Map.put(game_data, :opponents_board, Board.get_opponents_data(opponent_id))

    {:reply, game_data, game}

  def get_opponents_id(%__MODULE__{attacker: player_id, defender: nil}, player_id), do: nil
  def get_opponents_id(%__MODULE__{attacker: player_id, defender: defender}, player_id), do: defender
  def get_opponents_id(%__MODULE__{attacker: attacker, defender: player_id}, player_id), do: attacker
  # ...

The Game module handles two different :get_data messages. The first one, which doesn't receive a player_id, simply replies with the game state. On the other hand, the second one which receives the player_id and which is the one being called from the GameChannel, it does something a little more complex. First, it creates a new game_data map by adding the :my_board key with the player's board to the game state. Then it gets the opponent's id from the game's state using the passed player_id. If it is not null, or in other words, if the opponent already joined the game, if updates the game_data map a adding the :opponents_board and as value the result of calling Board.get_opponents_data(opponent_id). Finally it replies the game_data map.

That is all for now. In the next part, we are going to code the functionality related to placing ships, sending chat messages and handling possile errors thanks to OTP. Meanwhile, feel free to checkout the final (but still in progress, though) source code or challenge a friend to a battleship game.

Happy coding!